

So, the last thing I really need is more jewellery. Really. I have tons. Not that that have much "real" jewellery, but wearing that stuff always scares me anyway, because I'm terrified I'm going to loose it. My fiance and I went on a little trip to this flea market in our city a couple months ago. It certainly wasn't the best one I've been to, but I did not walk away empty handed. I think we gave ourselves each $30 to spend. I spent a grand total of $3. These bracelets were in little baggies, and cost $1.50 each. They both contained some crap, but they both held enough nice bracelets to make it worth it. I've gotten lots of wear out of them since. It was a bit of a gamble, since you couldn't clearly see what was in each baggie, but I'm glad I got them! The "silver" baggie had an Italian charm bracelet! That took me right back to highschool (not that I ever own one then, but I REALLY wanted one)!