
Bleach! Oh No!

This is one of my very favourite dresses. It's so incredibly comfy and I love how it looks. It is the easiest thing to throw on when it's really hot out. I bought it when I was about 17 at a yard sale for 13.5 cents (I bought it and a t-shirt I never wore for a quarter).  I had my mom take about 8 inches off the bottom because I felt like where the hemline fell really dated the dress. It also happens to be the dress I got engaged in, so I haven't worn it since that engagement got called off, but up until then I wore it all the time. 

One day I foolishly thought I'd clean up an old baby swing without changing into old clothes. Of course I was using bleach, as the swing had been owned by other people before we got it. I thought I cleaned it with no 
mishaps, but imagine my dismay when I saw this a couple hours later:
Bleach! No!
Of Course this was dead centre in the front of my dress. I contemplated giving up on it, as it was si cheap to begin with and I had gotten TONS of wear out of it. Then for a while I wore it with a scarf tied around my waist that covered the spot quite nicely. Quite a while ago though, I saw somewhere (I can't remember where anymore) a tip to use black marker on the bleach stain. Gone! Like magic!

I did find the first few times I washed it the marker washed out a bit and I had to touch it up when it came out. But after doing this a few times it stayed, and now you'd never know there was a bleach stain.

One day I'll wear again my 13.5 cent, once bleach stained dress I love so much!

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